Another day in Paradise!

How amazing to be able to walk out of my gate into an area of outstanding natural beauty. With a very adjusted agenda …. from so much to do, to, well almost nothing, I have found the need to be out under the sky as important as ever whether walking or running it has been and is crucial to my well being. My dogs legs are shorter as a result  ( and they weren’t long to start with!)   

Whilst out and about I have experienced some super close encounters with nature. Strolling up the valley just after sunset one evening, I saw on the horizon a Roe Deer. We both stopped and looked at each other for what seemed like an age and then he cantered off in the direction of the village. He was a fine looking creature and leapt like a gazelle.

Another evening I felt as though I was being watched and when I looked up into the canopy of the trees I saw a Kite observing me from his residence and just near to him was an enormous nest with his partner nestled in. Again the hush and sense of privilege I felt in being so close to them gave me a real treat.  I tiptoed away not wanting to disturb them in their rest.

The cows on the valley seem more relaxed and even the Bull with his rose copper ring in his nose took a moment to say hello whilst he chewed the cud. 

I just love the empty skies, so peaceful and blue of late leaving the countryside to sing with birdsong louder than ever it seems. The smell of spring just keeps giving and now the lilac is out !! She is so glorious I feel compelled to bow down and pay homage.