Sarratt Wildlife Volunteers

On Sunday January 9th we were again working at Quickmoor Pond. The weather was dry and quite fair after a drenching Saturday, and we were very pleased that several of the local residents turned out to help so there were about 15 of us. We wanted to finish the job we started last December.

All the brambles that were concealing the pond were soon removed, together with several large tree trunks which had fallen in the pond, or were about to do so. It is now a much more useful area for wildlife and people alike, and hopefully will be used as a community space when the better weather comes. The grassy area is a small orchard and it was decided to plant three more trees, a cherry and two apples to further enhance the area, and add to the Queen’s Green Canopy which is a Jubilee tree planting project. All together a good morning’s work.

On Sunday February 13th, we shall be working at Penman’s Green, up the track from Belsize. Meet there at 10am with your refreshments and gloves, and cutting tools if you have them. More volunteers are always very welcome, so please just turn up at the next task, or for more information contact:

Dawn on 267071 or [email protected]

Dawn Pitts